Monday, 1 April 2013

Civils mains 2012 Interview

My board chairman was Mr.Manbir Sing( Former Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer) and was the second person in my board. It lasted around 20 to 25mnts.

Chairman: You have worked in good MNC, earning good amount of salary and in civils you wont even get half of the salary! then what is your motivation behind it?

Me: I hail from a backward village in a SPSR nellore district of AP. Whenever my village people faces any problem, they would say that, we have to meet collector and only he can solve our problems. From my childhood, i have grownup thinking in such a way that, collector can solve majority of rural community problems. Sir, even while i was studying at social welfare residential school, one IAS officer delivered a speech, that incident further inspired me. After that, i went and asked him, sir what should be done to become a collector, he replied become a IAS officer. After that I pursued my higher education with an emotional and financial support extended by family and well wishers. Apart from that, my inspiration is Dr.P.Subrahamanyam I.A.S, who also hails from the same village and passed away along with Dr.YSR unfortunate helicopter crash. Since my village produced an outstanding civil servant, after that tragic incident, further inspired me towards civil services.

Apart from that, i understand that, civil service as a career gives me immense opportunity to work with people and self respect and esteem to me and family as well.

Chairman: even if you get selected then you wont be posted as a DM to your district and for your village?
Me: Sir, I assume that, India village problems are same as my village and would like to be part of any where in india.

Chairman: AP is undergoing turmoil! talk about on political and economic angles?
Me: I talked about political instability, investment, power crisis and employment, etc

Chairman: Telangana stand?
Me: I took pro telangana stand.

M1(Member 1): Tell me about SWOT?
Me: I tried but couldn't complete Opportunity and Threat!

M1: link SWOT with respect to Assam?
Me:   Strength --> Assamese people, so cordial.
         Weakness--> Public infrastructure, recurrent floods
         Opportunity---> hydro electricity power, rich biodiversity and bamboo technology
         Threat ---> terrorism, insurgency and infiltration from bordering areas.
M1:   what do you understand by hydroelectricity?
Me:   power which is generated by water.

M1:  How do you transfer hydroelectricity from north east to Power deficit area like Andhra?
Me : by connecting the grid sir.

M1: how do you actually transfer power through grid?
Me: sorry sir i don't know(Statutory right to give this answer:-))

M1: asked about rock climbing? which is part of my biodata..

M2: Who is your role model?
Me : my father sir. Then he asked me why? I am here because of him sir!

M2: then who else?
Me: Dr.P.Subrahamanyam I.A.S

M2: then who else?
Me: My IITG professors sir! looks like he was expecting from me a national figure?

M2: then asked me, is there anybody from national figure?
Me: I replied Father of the nation Mr.Mahatma Gandhiji.

M2: why? what qualities did you attract?
Me: his leadership skills, visionary skills like sustainable development(SD).

M2: what do you understand by sustainable development? What are the components of that?
Me: exploiting the benefits of natural resources without compromising for future generations.

M2: Then he was waiting for social justice and social equity part of SD!
Me: then i explained about Social justice and social equity part.

M2: he asked me, where are we not following social equity and social justice?
Me: I replied with conviction that, we are looking at tribals, in terms of minerals like bauxite, coal and uranium but not as a humanbeing. They are excluded from benefits of the modern development..(by refering some sociological studies)

Me: i explained.

M2: asked specifically on sanitation and progress we had achieved..
Me: sorry sir, don't know specifically..

M3: What is ASEAN?
Me: group ten countries sir.

M3: Is china part of ASEAN?
Me: I replied no sir.

M3: then what is the interests of China?
Me: Economic interests, esp trade and commerce. South china sea as well!

M3: Who are all involved in south china sea dispute?
Me: Vietnam, philippines, brune, etc

M3: Whats the importance of south china sea?
Me: I replied it is a minerals rich area, strategically important for navigation and trade..

M3: whats the India's interest?
Me: To tap energy resources and engaging with ASEAN countries.

M3: If i say pakistan then what immediately comes to your mind?
Me: I replied, recently pak govt successfully completed first time 5yrs and about to going for elections this year.

M3: what else?
Me: i was trying to say something but he intervened then said that, what about Mr.Musharaff?

I replied that yes, sir, recently came back and willing to contest in democratic electoral politics.

M3: have you heard about Pipelines, which is news recently?
Me: TAPI, iran-pak pipeline sir.

M3: he asked about TAPI pipeline..what is the USA role?
Me: i replied USA is having it's own interests sir but since india is energy deficit country need to import..

M4: you said that, collector can solve all the probs? then what abt people, civil society org, political parties and PRI's?
Me: I replied with confidence that, without people participation, no govt scheme can be successfull. I quoted AP MGNREGA example, where civil society, PRI are coordinated conducting social audit. because of that, people demanding their entitlements.

M4: What do you mean entitlement?
Me: What are the benefits people supposed to get!

M4: You said, Telengana people are alienated but on the other hand your saying that, civil society org are vibrant? Isn't contradictory?
Me: mam, there are inter regional imbalances esp in telangana region, we do have less awareness level because lack of education, meagre presence of NGO, etc

M4: explain about PPP?
Me: i answered.

M4: As a civil servant what would you do for PPP?
Me: facilitate conducive env like sound legal system, speedy justice delivery if there is any litigations, etc

Then finally chairman said, thank you suneel. You may leave now!

I thought, i should answer more points in some questions..

                                                                                                                   Suneel Anchipaka


Thursday, 28 March 2013

Firsthand experience @NRHM field visit

Recently I visited Turimerla village in Sri potti sriramulu district (Andhrapradesh) along with Auxiliary Nurse Midwife(ANM) named Rajeswari, to observe National Rural Health Mission(NRHM) implementation at the field level. Before dwelling into some interesting observations, lets briefly discuss about mandate of NRHM and ASHA.

National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) is an Indian health program for improving health care delivery across rural hinterland. One of the key components of the NRHM is to provide every village in the country with a trained female community health activist ASHA or Accredited Social Health Activist. Selected from the village itself and accountable to it, the ASHA will be trained to work as an interface between the community and the public health system.

Selection of ASHA worker is from the most backward communities. Order of the preference would be first ST, then SC and OBC, etc. In the Turimerla village, selection of ASHA worker, itself is very democratic process of involving various community groups, self-help groups, Anganwadi Institutions, the village Health Committee and the Gram Sabha, etc. The reason behind this sort of inclusive selection is that, ASHA workers can effectively mobilize community people and build sense of attachment with the disadvantaged communities. Although caste barriers are persist in this village but in a broader manner, entire village is working for the common cause.

In the Turimerla village, ASHA workers are able to work actively with other communities,  providing information to the community on basic sanitation & hygienic practices, health & nutrition education, council women on birth preparedness, importance of safe delivery, breast-feeding and complementary feeding, immunization, and contraception techniques, etc. Thus ASHA workers are fountainhead of community participation in public health delivery system. No system is false-proof across the universe, so let me put few things which needs to be improved:

ASHAs will receive performance-based incentives for promoting universal immunization, referral services and other healthcare program's, and construction of household toilets,etc. Due to lack of fixed salary,  their wages are not guaranteed if they do not find any mentioned services in that particular month. They are overburdened in terms of responsibilities but lacking minimum economic security! So need of the hour is fixed salary plus performance based variable incentives to motivate and boost morale of ASHAs.

In Primary Health Centres(PHC's) found only one doctor, who has to visit field level and looking-after  patience's.  It is very daunting task for doctors to address the above within time bound manner. Some people stated that, at times doctors are lacking service motto and unwillingly working at the village level. Hence need to inculcate service motto's and increase doctors strengths at the PHC level.

ASHAs would be a promoter and facilitator of good health practices, providing a minimum package of curative care as appropriate and feasible for that level and make timely referrals. To achieve the above, Capacity building of ASHA is being seen as a continuous process.

Lets discuss, how Turimerla village people making NRHM more transparent, accountable and efficient way of implementing.

I really wondered regarding the community accountability because people are questioning ASHA's workers, about their basic health needs! E.g. people are asking about usage levels of bleaching powder, etc services which they are statutorily entitled to!

One more interesting point would be how collective social action of Anganwadi workers, ASHA, ANM's and gramasabha empowering the backward populace and curbing corrupt practices which is rampant in the other villages. The entire social vision of Turimerla people, brought down the MMR, IMR and various health indicators.

Recently, there was a path breaking program of 'Ravamma Mahalakshmi', where ASHAs responsibility is that every woman has to access of BP, sugar, TB, etc tests, so that collect disease info  and then proper medication could be delivered in time bound manner.

After, speaking with SC community, found that, their economic well being has been improved and they are happy with primary health care needs.

To sum up,  Monitoring, reviewing mechanism of ASHAs by nodal officers, motivation of district apparatus, time bound wage delivery system through bank accounts, community accountability, vibrant functioning of gross root institutions and active participation of SHG's, village sanitation committees  etc are attributed for the successful  implementation of NRHM and efficient public health delivery system.

I think above system is testimony for collective vision, sound gross root participation and collective social action. The same needs to be adopted in other villages to check spreading of Dengue fever, reducing IMR, MMR, and contain various endemic diseases, etc to realize success of NRHM and achieve Millennium Development Goals.

                                                                                                   Suneel Anchipaka

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

How Indian IT sector should reinvent itself

I have been struggling myself to find out the causes, why our Indian IT companies are unable to leave global foot print in the product development domain? why Indian nation is self limiting itself into a global leader only in services exports in spite of having sizable and creative middle class! Let me put my views on that.

Indian Institute of Technologies(IIT's) are leaders in technical education and enhanced India's softpower across the globe. But how many IIT students are pursuing their career in R & D? I think top Indian premier college students are going to abroad[brain drain] and after some time trying to establish start up product development companies in the overseas itself .[most of the start ups in the silicon valley].

Most of our Indian IT companies spends very meager amounts of their profits in the R & D sector. According some reports its less than 1% of their net profits. Need of the hour in the dynamic globalized world is paradigmatic shift from Business process outsourcing to knowledge process out sourcing. For that need to invest on R & D .

Our lack of risk taking attitude also inhibit the innovation. Because of that, most of the time, our IT leaders looking for lucrative and guaranteed revenues in the form of IT service exports. Time has come for out of the box thinking and need more leaders not mere managers. I think we need to collaborate with other IT players and stimulate untapped product development ecosystem.

Some of my friends, who have been working in some software service companies in India, stated that most of the time, they are working under intense stress and strain conditions. Even through few folks are proactively taking initiatives and generating innovative ideas but they tend to fail to transform the same into profit driven business models! Obviously innovation happens only when companies create conducive ecosystem otherwise we are remained to be obsolete persons in the competitive dynamic world.

Based on my experience and observation in Nvidia corporation, Santa Clara, there is good rapport between R & D teams and developmental teams. I think this is one of the ares need to refocus in our IT compnies. And Nvidia company encourages, it's workforce by providing lump sum amount of money for innovative initiates and there is well established healthy environment to transform those ideas into commercial purpose. Thus companies has to promote culture of innovation.

Recently, the group called iSpirit call itself a new generation think tank and hopes to bring about the transformation that will spur the growth of Indian product companies to a new level. In this process, hope is that, India can be rebrand itself as the land of software products.

I think we need to transform our higher education, more industry-academic collaborations, inculcate innovative ethos from childhood and update our skill sets to match according to changing society. I think this is the time for our NRIs to walk extra mile by utilizing their professional expertise and translate into business entrepreneurs like the way Chinese did.

                                                                                                                    Suneel Anchipaka

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Ambiguity in Supremecourt verdict on Lokayukta selection

Recently honorable Supreme Court had pronounced two contradictory verdicts on the appointment of Lokayukta chief selection process in case of Gujarat and Karnataka state affairs. In Gujarat case primacy has accorded to the honorable chief justice of Gujarat high court, whereas in Karnataka case primacy has given to council of minister headed by chief minister.

According to Gujarat Lokayukta Act, 1986, in order to appoint Lokayukta chief, The chief minister must consult the chief justice, he must consult the Leader of Opposition and must then forward the recommendation to the governor who must act on the aid and advice of the council of ministers. But in this entire selection process apex court subverted Montesquieu theory of separation of powers by rendering executive and legislature redundant organs! And governor directly contacted the Attorney general of India and by passed the council of ministers advice.[It's contradictory to Art.163]

In case of Karnataka Dy Lokayukta appointment process, chief minister had failed to have meaningful and effective consultation or discussion with the chief justice of the high court. By citing this cause apex court quashed selection of Dy Lokayukta and it's followed the spirit of Karnataka Lokayukta Act. More over Supreme court bench stated that, the advice tendered by the chief minister will have the primacy and not that of consultees, including high court chief justice![ contradictory to the Gujarat]

I think judiciary has to respect the balance of power by giving due importance to the legislature and executive then only our Indian democracy will further strengthen. Besides, that governor has to act on the aid and advice of the council of ministers in India’s constitutional set up.

                                                                                                           Suneel Anchipaka

Sunday, 20 January 2013

How bad medicine turns worse than disease

The Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education Act(RTE act 2009) came into force from April 1, 2010. According to RTE act, every child in the age group of 6-14 years will be provided eight years of elementary education in an age appropriate classroom in the vicinity of his/her neighborhood. Recently NGO named Pratham, brought out Annual Status of Education Report 2012[ASER] and unearthed how pro-poor polices of government  are u-turning into horribly anti-poor!

According to ASER report 2012, 29.1 percent of children in class V couldn't solve a two digit subtraction problem and only 30 percent of class III students could read a class I text book. Latest report stated that, learning-quality levels has been deteriorated after the RTE act. Let us find out the causes and remedies for the same.

In order to attain cent percent universal primary education enrollment ratio and to reduce education stress levels, RTE act envisaged that, scrap all exams and assessments up to 8th class. This very ill-conceived  initiative reserving the rural school children only for future MGNERGA workers[unskilled manual workers]. If we go in this direction then how can Indian nation will reap demographic dividend and pave the way for robust socio-economic-cultural development?

Poor teaching quality levels is one the grave concern for aspiring super power like India. One of the root cause could be poor quality at the recruitment level it self. e.g. recently former Haryana chief minister found guilty in teachers recruitment scam and it might be pan Indian phenomena. So need of the hour is revamp teacher recruitment and make teachers more accountable to the parents, local community and gross root democratic structures[PRI's]

In the knowledge, globalized and competitive society quality of education is imperative. Here teachers role is instead of focusing only on syllabus completion, should also adopt innovative pedagogic practices, extra curricular and service based learning systems.

Re-innovate the traditional teacher training systems, enhance the quality of in service training and ensure that every teacher should complete training in true spirit rather than business as usual approach. Enhance the teachers ability, aptitude and up to date knowledge levels according to globalized world then only teachers can impart knowledge based education to the students.

Undoubtedly RTE act 2009, improved primary education enrollment ratio, infrastructure facilities and girls toilets. Challenge could be recruiting more humane, sensitive teachers to put our society into equality, egalitarian and gender sensitive.

Finally good teachers are the building block of any progressive society, testimony for that is you and me are here because of them!

                                                                                                 Suneel Anchipaka

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Spectre of Manual scavenging haunting the Nation

In modern civilized India, in spite of 65 years of independence and functioning democracy, still we couldn't eradicate obnoxious practice of manual scavenging! One scholar termed this dehumanizing manual scavenging practice as burying democracy in human waste. In 1901, Mahatma Gandhi stated that manual scavenging as national shame and 2012 our people representatives echoed the same! Then are we moving towards so called egalitarian and inclusive society?

Though this vile and inhumane practice was abolished by law in India in 1993, the practice is deeply entrenched in South Asian societies. Let me discuss why this anti-national and anti-constitutional(Art.17, Art.21) practice has been continuing in one form or other in spite of pressure from ILO and supreme court of India recurrently..

Manual scavenging practice is inextricably linked to deep rooted caste based and hereditary occupation for Dalits and moreover predominantly linked with forced labour/untouchability. According to national commission of safai karmacharis report, approximately 13 lakh citizens are directly or indirectly involved in this demeaning practice across the length and breadth of our nation. Paradoxically Indian railways and municipalities are the largest employers of manual scavenging. Thus state is the largest grass violator of human rights and fundamental rights as well[right to dignity].

The public hearing also brought to light the social pressure for the continuance of the practice. In some areas upper caste people want to promote, protect and perpetuate their dominance by relegating out-caste people into manual scavengers. e.g. In a village in Madhya Pradesh, when a mother stopped scavenging toilets, the scholarship for her son was stopped.

A historic Supreme Court Ruling in May 2009 may help bring an end to this abhorrent practice in India. The Court held government appointed District Collectors responsible for not eradicating the demeaning and hazardous practice. But our public officials have frequently failed in their duties to identify, report and end manual scavenging, demolish dry latrines, and rehabilitate manual scavengers, and on their shoulders rests major culpability for the continuance of the unlawful and unjust social practice.
e.g. Recently supreme court sternly warned District Magistrate for filing a wrong affidavit stating there was no manual scavenging in his district.

I am wondering, why our Indian renaissance movements(socio-religious movements in 18th century) was unable to address this degrading issue as they did to abolishing Sati. To eliminate manual scavenging, we need 21th century social reform movements with proactive engagement from civil society organizations. The fact that most manual scavengers are women, many of whom are older and with poor literacy levels.

The Government of India has operationalised multi Crore rehabilitation schemes like National Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers since 1992 and Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers since 2007 along with deciding time lines for putting an end to this practice. Sometimes critics point out that, Indian nation is a softstate, where it can't act firmly on it's own decisions. And our nation has a great culture of passing laws and greater culture of bypassing laws. Need of the hour is to strengthen implementation machinery and inculcate sense of fraternity among bureaucracy towards marginalized sections.

Central government has recently introduced , "The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Bill, 2012", in Lok Sabha to eradicate and to provide skill-based training to those who give up manual scavenging. I  think it's apt to mention renown Sociologist Andre Beteille statement : laws directs what ought to be done but social structures determine what should be done. We need to revamp societal structures and people mindsets then only new bill will be implemented in true spirit.

Finally let me remind you, as a human beings there are somethings can't do to other human beings[Justice Albie Sachs of South Africa].

                                                                                                              suneel anchipaka


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Is SC/ST Constitutional Amendment Bill(117th) necessary evil!

The Supreme Court in the matter of M. Nagaraj case, while upholding validity of the Constitution amendments regarding reservation in promotion to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, has laid down certain pre-requisite conditions for providing reservation in promotion to SCs and STs, namely the State has to see about backwardness of the class, inadequacy of representation  and efficiency of administration.

To overcome the above pre-requisite conditions, the Government proposed to introduce a 117th bill to amend the Constitution. The Rajya Sabha has passed a Constitution amendment bill to grant reservation to SCs and STs in promotions in government jobs with an overwhelming majority of votes and bill is waiting before the Loksabha.

There are some legitimate concerns regarding the reservation in promotions for SC/ST. Do they really need reservations at promotion level too? Lets me put few pointers which I collected from various sources.

The worst affected in the present system are SC/ST officers for they generally join later(on an average 30 plus yrs) than general category officers due to lack of legitimate structural means, economic barriers and family obligations. If state doesn't provide proper means for them to reach top echelon of admin apparatus then historical disadvantages and widespread discrimination against them would continue to exist!

Supreme Court in one of the verdict assumed that, SC/ST castes per se is backward in terms of socio-cultural and economic deprivations and nature of marginalization they do suffer in the modern civilized Indian society in day to day life. Besides the reasons mentioned above, composition of groups and lack of sizable middle class in this mass community[1/4th of the Indian population] led to as of now there is no concept of creamy layer in SC/ST.

The number of posts of Secretaries or equivalent in the Government of India is 102. Among them, the number of officers from the dalit category is nil and the number of S.T. officers is two.
As for the number of Additional Secretaries or equivalent, the total number is 113, of which the number of S.C. officers is five and S.T. is one.

The above facts shows that inadequate representation in the commanding posts of government of India, where largely key policy decisions has been taking. Without adequate representation at the pivotal positions, there is a large scale skepticism about proactive policy making, due policy monitoring and robust implementation mechanism for the marginalized sections.

There are some studies shows that, Indian nation has been unable to protect Dalit officers within the state and they are suffering with prejudice, social ostracism and inequality in socio-economic life. SC/ST officers are not judged fairly in annual confidential reports(ACR) relating to their performance and are denied promotions or crucial assignments. The above incidents remind us , how vicious cycle of caste perpetuation reinforcing even in rationale admin culture! I think here apt to quote K.Marx statement- if state starts exploitation then who is better exploiter than the state?

Last but not the least, equality with efficiency(Art.335) shouldn't be compromised for efficient and effective governance. For that, state has to consider innovative training mechanism, so that officers shouldn't trap into Peter Principle[employees tend to rise to their level of incompetence].

One of the retired IFS officer suggested that, instead of current system i.e. based on age, should we move to fixed tenure system, where all officers have the opportunity to reach the top. The present system of retirement gives with one hand but partially takes away with the other. I think this idea of fixed tenure needs to be contemplated.

We hope that irrespective of caste politics, bill would pass soon in the budget session, would pave the way for SC/ST officers at the key positions of government of India and bring more inclusiveness in the Indian bureaucracy.
                                                                                                                 suneel anchipaka